Sunset Fire®

» Sunset Fire® is reminiscent of a fiery sunset. The powerful combinations are available in five different pot sizes at Gärtnerei Melle. «

Icy Fire

Pot size
Delivery period
T11 CW 35-43
T12 CW 35-43
T13 CW 35-43
T21 CW 35-43

Close upright

Rusty Fire

Pot size
Delivery period
T11 CW 35-43
T13 CW 35-43
T17 CW 35-43

Close upright

Night Fire

Pot size
Delivery period
T11 CW 35-43
T12 CW 35-43
T13 CW 35-43

Close upright

Heather nursery drives innovation

Heather Assortment 2023/2024


Here at Gärtnerei Melle, we think sustainably and always consider the future. We produce high-quality plants for our customers and take our social and environmental responsibility very seriously. Our plant production has been MPSA+ certified for five years now. Our work processes have been accredited with GLOBALG.A.P. GRASP since 2022.

Each plastic pot is made of 100% recycled PCR material.

We love to create quality!

Information about your order


Our heather is shipped in containers (CC) with TAG5 labels. You can choose whether you want to receive our goods on a CC with or without an extension.


You can pick up your goods yourself or we can organise transportation via our in-house freight forwarders.

Exchange of empty containers

We usually exchange the empty containers (CC, boards, extensions and reusable packaging) directly upon delivery. Digital transfers are also subject to coordination in advance. Veiling Rhein Maas: 371239 Landgard: 320545 FloraHolland: 25277


The choice is yours between disposable packaging (trays) or reusable packaging (Palettino). We deliver plants in disposable trays as standard.

Reusable packaging

In the interest of the environment, we promote the use of reusable packaging. If you wish to have your plants loaded onto Palettinos, please contact us in advance. For self-collectors, it is usually more convenient to exchange Palettinos directly upon loading. We charge € 1.50 per Palettino issued. This amount will be credited back to you upon return. If you receive the plants by freight carrier, the exchange of Palettinos must be clarifi ed in advance with your freight carrier.

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